Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King Of POP Has Died

Sad Day PoP culture the king of pop has passed away sad to see but nothing we can do but remember farrah and MJ we miss yah!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

hey there, sorry you all getting burned by the google crap but pay close attention they are under investigation for fraud and slam dunk stay tuned i am getting the updates i will post as soon as i hear keep up the good work i am thinking of going to twitter what do you think, shall i twitter or stay right here , give me your opinion, thanks


Monday, June 1, 2009

this is my friend

hope you help out this my friend in need notice , i don't want Ur money just Ur blood, my god i sound like a vampire but if u cant do wait just use the link i provided here
Click Here! donate one way or another


I appreciate all the help you have given only 30 mins and you all have responded, wow humanity still remains, I cant believe the e-mails, keep up the good work and keep William in your prayers, thanks


Give a gift

I just wanted to stop by and say hello to all of of you, the other day I ran into a friend, that was kinda upset and crying, I was asking her what was wrong, she had told me her 12 yr old son was diagnosed with leukemia, what a sad state of an affair, so I had asked her how I could help she was telling me to post a blog about giving blood. she said that her son had a acute case....... me the dummy I don't know the terminology so I decided to research a bit , wow to my surprise its means that his blood cells cant produce enough to keep him healthy so he needs blood, so I decided to do a target a campaign to help him out, so first of all i would like you to go to your nearest blood bank and donate . If you don't know where to go I have a link..
help someone that needs it we produce blood everyday so why not give it away you can give your money away to stupid things but you have something that you can give that don't cost a nickel.
and if if you are in need how would you feel.

20 percent of all sales will benefit the foundation for William

Click Here!